Where is Bethlehem Lutheran Church?

Bethlehem is in Evanston, Illinois. It is located on the southwest corner of Wesley Avenue and Greenwood Street. This is one block north of Dempster Street (Illinois highway 58), one block west of Asbury Avenue, and two blocks west of Ridge Avenue. This location is shown on the maps below.

If you are taking public transportation, you may take the Pace Bus which goes from downtown Evanston to Des Plaines, primarily using Dempster Street. Just get off the bus at Wesley Avenue and walk north one block.

Although the PACE buses run on Sundays, the buses in Evanston do not run on Sundays. However, you may use the Evanston buses to get to Bethlehem on weekdays or Saturdays. The Evanston 204 runs along Lake Street, one block north of the church. You may get off the bus at Wesley and walk one block south to the church. The Evanston 203 runs along Ridge Avenue. You may get off this bus at Greenwood Street and walk two blocks west to the church.

For a map of Bethlehem's location, click on the map segment of your choice.

This detailed map
shows the streets in our neighborhood.The streets in our neighborhood

This map shows the
streets in our area of south central Evanston.The streets in our area of south central Evanston.

This map shows most
of south and central EvanstonMost of south and central Evanston

This map shows
Evanston and adjacent suburbs plus part of Chicago.Evanston and adjacent suburbs plus part of Chicago

This map shows
Bethlehem's and Evanston's location in relation to Chicago and its northern and western
suburbs.Location in relation to Chicago and its northern and western suburbs

This map shows
Bethlehem's and Evanston's location in the Chicago Metropolitan area.Location in the Chicago Metropolitan area

maps were supplied by MapQuest. Click here for more information.
These maps and the larger maps of which they are segments were supplied by MapQuest. Click on their logo for more information.

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Questions, comments, etc. are welcome. Send them to Marilyn Gardner at MFGardner@aol.com